Governor's Workforce Development Board
Governor's Workforce Development Board
The Governor's Workforce Development Board, also known as the State Board was established as a condition under the Workforce Investment Act, and reauthorized in 2014 under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The state-specific operational responsibilities of the State Board are outlined in Governor Sandoval's Executive Orders: 2015-08 and 2016-08.
The mission of the Governor's Workforce Development Board is to bring Nevada business and workers together to shape strategies that best meet workforce needs in order to foster a healthy and growing economy in the state.
In accordance with WIOA Title I, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Section 101 The State Board shall assist the Governor:
- Develop, implement, and modify the State Plan.
- Review statewide policies, programs, and recommendations on action that should be taken by the State to align workforce development programs in a manner that supports a comprehensive and streamline workforce development system, including review and commentary on the State Plan for programs and activities of one-stop partners that are not core programs.
- Develop and provide recommendations for the continuous improvement of the workforce system.
- Develop and update comprehensive State performance accountability measures to assess the effectiveness of the core programs in the State.
- Identify and disseminate information on best practices.
- Review and develop statewide policies affecting the coordinated provisions of service through the State's one-stop delivery system.
- Develop strategies for implementing and funding technological improvements to facilitate access to, and improve the quality of, services and activities provided through the State's one-stop delivery system.
- Develop strategies for aligning technology and data systems across one-stop partner programs to enhance service delivery and improve efficiencies in reporting on performance accountability measures.
- Review and develop allocation formulas for the distribution of funds to local areas for employment and training activities for adults and youth workforce investment activities to local areas.
- Prepare annual reports.
- Develop the statewide workforce and labor market information system as described in the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 491-2(e).
- Develop any other policies and recommendations that will encourage and promote improvements to the workforce development system in the State.
Members of the State Board are appointed by the Governor and must be in accordance with the Act. The Governor has the authority to appoint ex-officio members to the State Board.
No less than fifty one percent (51%) of the membership of the State Board will be representative of business. The membership must include private sector/business representation from the northern, southern, and rural areas of the state. Area representation may be based on the most current geographic demographics available at the time of the appointments.
GWDB Membership | GWDB Meeting Minutes | GWDB Industry Sector Councils
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