Public Records Request
Thank you for reaching out to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) regarding your public records request. Please note: this form is in no way related to Unemployment Insurance (UI)/Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and is not the mechanism for addressing issues related to the status of UI/PUA claims or for information. Please complete all sections of the form below to submit your public records request.
Pursuant to NRS 239.0105, within five (5) business days of receiving a request for a public record, the agency will:
- Allow the requestor to inspect or copy the record, or provide copy digital/hard copy) of the requested record
- Notify the requestor that the office does not possess the information and provide the name and address of the entity that does, if known, or
- Notify the requestor that the information cannot be available within five (5) business days and provide a date and time after which the record will be available to inspect or copy, or
- Notify the requestor that the information is confidential and cite the statute or other legal authority to deny the request
Fees: There may be charges associated with the request for Public Records. The DETR fee schedule is as follows:
- Minimum Fees: Fees for a public records request will not be assessed until the total cost reaches $25.00. If the cost of producing the records is estimated to be more than $25.00, the records will not be produced until after payment is remitted.
- Written Estimates: When estimated costs exceed $25.00, and before further processing, the requestor will be notified in writing and will be required to remit the full payment or a deposit pursuant to NAC 239.864(2)(a). If the final cost is less than estimated, the requestor will be refunded the difference.
- Fee Waivers: Pursuant to NRS 239.052 the requestor will be charged actual costs. No fee waivers except that as outlined in Section 1 shall be granted without the express written consent of the Director, the Administrator of the Division from which the records are requested or the Legal Counsel for the Division.
- Costs of Production: Pursuant to NRS 239.052, DETR will charge 50 cents per page of each public record to combat costs in excess of normal expenses. These expenses in excess of normal expenses include but are not limited to staff overtime or other unbudgeted staffing costs, contract legal review to release the production, any media, storage, ink toner, copying costs, postage, FED EX, UPS or other expenses in excess of normal budgeted costs to the agency.
- Voluminous Requests: Certain requests if deemed by the Administrator of any Division to be so voluminous or take such excessive staff time to produce that will result in a significant disruption to normal operations of that Division shall charge the full personnel costs for any overtime and/or contract legal work that is required to fulfill the production of the request. The requestor will be required to deposit 50% of the estimated costs for the start of the production and 100% of the costs before delivery of the documents. Legal Counsel may require the requestor sign a contract for the costs of production before the production shall start.
- Payment: Payments must be made by check, money order, cashier’s check, or exact cash, by mail or in-person. Checks are to made out to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation. The Department does not offer payment by debit/credit card(s).
Questions and requests for more information can be forwarded to the agency’s Public Information Officer by emailing [email protected].

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NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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