
Public Notices

Meeting Date & Time Meeting Description Format

August 2, 2023
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information

Live Meeting:
DETR – Job Connect
Conference Room
3405 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89169


Agenda Packet

August 2, 2023
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting
Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

May 3, 2023
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting
Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

February 1, 2023
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting
Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

November 18, 2022
9:30 am


2023 UI Tax Rate Regulation Hearing

Agenda Packet

November 14, 2022
2:00 pm


2023 UI Tax Rate Small Business Workshop

Agenda Packet

November 2, 2022
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information



October 7, 2022
9:30 am

Employment Security Council Meeting
Meeting: Video Conference

Telephone: 1 669 900 6833
Webinar/Meeting ID: 833 1692 4482


Review of UI Trust Fund & Economic Forecast

August 10, 2022
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

May 4, 2022
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

February 9, 2022
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

December 13th, 2021
10:00 am

Hearing of the Employment Security Division to adopt a proposed regulation pertaining to the UI Contribution Rate for Calendar Year 2022


Agenda Packet

November 3, 2021
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information


Agenda Packet

October 22, 2021
9:00 am

Employment Security Division Small Business Workshop
(2022 UI Contribution Rate)

Review of UI Trust Fund
Labor Market Conditions and Projections
Small Business Impact Review

October 4, 2021
9:00 am

2022 UI Contribution Rate Employment Security Council Meeting

Tax Schedule Explanation
Potential 2022 Tax Rate Schedules

August 4, 2021
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference

See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information

Tab 1 General Business
Tab 2 Full-Term Licensure
Tab 3 Initial Provisional Applications
Tab 4 Added Program
Tab 5 Elections

June 15, 2021
2:30 pm

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for ZOOM Meeting Information



May 5, 2021
9:00 am

Commission on Postsecondary Education Public Commission Meeting

Meeting: Video Conference

See Agenda for Zoom Meeting Information



Employment Security Division

On-the-Job Training (OJT) Employer Reimbursement Waiver Request

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, On-the-Job Training (OJT) Employer Reimbursement Waiver Request. Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would extend the current USDOL-approved waiver in effect for Program Year (PY) 2020 (June 30, 2021) for an additional two PYs: 2021 (June 30, 2022) and 2022 (June 30, 2023). Said waiver would temporarily waive the OJT employer reimbursement thresholds prescribed in 20 CFR §680.720 and 20 CFR §680.730 and allow a sliding scale for OJT training employer reimbursements ranging from 50 to up to 90 percent dependent upon the number of employees. Public comment will be taken from March 15, 2021 through April 15, 2021, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice:
On-the-Job Training (OJT) Employer Reimbursement Waiver Request


Employment Security Division

Out of School Youth Expenditure Requirement Waiver Request (Waiver)

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, Out of School Youth Expenditure Requirement Waiver Request (Waiver). Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would extend the current USDOL-approved waiver in effect for Program Year (PY) 2020 (June 30, 2021) for an additional two PYs: 2021 (June 30, 2022) and 2022 (June 30, 2023). Said waiver would temporarily waive the federal requirement contained in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), sec. 129(a)(4) and 20 CFR §681.410 that a minimum of 75 percent of youth funds be used to serve out of school youth, and to allow the state the flexibility to reduce the out of school youth funding requirement to a minimum of 50 percent. Public comment will be taken from March 15, 2021 through April 15, 2021, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice:
Out of School Youth Expenditure Requirement Waiver Request (Waiver)


Employment Security Division

Individual Training Accounts Waiver Request

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, Individual Training Accounts Waiver Request. Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would extend the current USDOLapproved waiver in effect for Program Year (PY) 2020 (June 30, 2021) for an additional two PYs: 2021 (June 30, 2022) and 2022 (June 30, 2023). Said waiver would temporarily waive the requirement that limits individual training accounts (ITAs) to only out-of-school youth (OSY) ages 16-24 (20 CFR §681.550), and allow the use of said training funds for ITAs for in-school youth (ISY) pursuant to WIOA sec. 134. Public comment will be taken from March 15, 2021 through April 15, 2021, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice:
Individual Training Accounts Waiver Request


Emergency Regulation
(no meeting)

To provide updated text of a drafted emergency regulation affecting NAC Chapter 612


Emergency Regulation

December 2, 2020
2:30 pm

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Meeting: Video Conference
See Agenda for ZOOM Meeting Information



Greene Bio

Title VII Article

December 4, 2020
10:00 am

Notice of Hearing/Intent to Act Upon Regulation

This Hearing is being held by the employment security division for the review and adoption of proposed regulations related to the 2021 UI Tax Rate and Employer Charging Relief.

Per Nevada Governor Sisolak's Declaration of Emergency Directive 006, this meeting may only be attended virtually.

Webinar ID: 941 9049 9160

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or Telephone:
US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 941 9049 9160



2021 UI Tax Rate Regulation

Employer Charging Relief Regulation


Emergency Regulation
(no meeting)

To provide the text of a drafted emergency regulation affecting NAC Chapter 612


Emergency Regulation

October 2, 2020

ESD Small Business Workshop

To discuss extending the 2020 average tax rate to 2021 and Employer Charging Relief.

Webinar ID: 926 6379 9183
Or Telephone:
US: +1 253 215 8782



Economic Overview

Tax Rate Schedule

Small Business Impact

Review of UI Trust Fund


August 5, 2020
2:30 pm

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Meeting - Video Conference:



Employment Security Division

Waiver Request: Youth Work Experience Priority

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, for a WIOA Youth Work-based Learning Priority Waiver Request. Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would temporarily waive the minimum 20 percent expenditure threshold required in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) sec. 129(c)(4); CFR §681.590, reducing it to not less than 10 percent of the funds allocated to the local areas to provide youth with work-based learning opportunities. The state is requesting this Waiver for a limited period, to-wit: WIOA Title I program years (PY): 2020 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021) and 2021 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022).

Public comment will be taken from July 22, 2020 through August 21, 2020, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice
Waiver Request: Youth Work Experience Priority


Employment Security Division

Waiver Request: Youth Work Experience Priority

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, On-the-Job Training (OJT) Employer Reimbursement Waiver Request. Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would temporarily waive the OJT employer reimbursement threshold of up to 50 percent of the wage rate of an OJT participant (20 CFR §680.720) and up to 75 percent using the criteria in 20 CFR §680.730 for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the OJT and allow for a sliding scale for OJT training employer reimbursements ranging from 50 to up to 90 percent dependent upon the number of employees. The state is requesting this Waiver for a limited period, to-wit: WIOA Title I program year (PY) 2020 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021).

Public comment will be taken from July 7, 2020 through August 7, 2020, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice
Waiver Request: On-the-Job Employer Reimbursement


Employment Security Division

Waiver Request: Individual Training Accounts for In-School Youth

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, Individual Training Accounts Waiver Request . Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act waiver requirements and request process (WIOA sec. 189(i)(3)(B); 20 CFR §679.620; TEGL 8-18), if granted, this Waiver would temporarily waive the requirement limiting individual training accounts (ITAs) to only out-of-school youth (OSY) ages 16-24 (20 CFR §681.550) and allow the use of said training funds for ITAs for in- school youth (ISY) pursuant to WIOA sec. 134. The state is requesting this Waiver for a limited period, to-wit: WIOA Title I program year (PY) 2020 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021). Public comment will be taken from July 7, 2020 through August 7, 2020, 4 p.m. (PDST).

Public Notice
Waiver Request: Individual Training Accounts for In-School Youth


Nevada Employment Security

WIOA State Plan


The purpose of this public notice is to solicit review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state,Out of School Youth Expenditure Requirement Waiver Request (Waiver). Said Waiver would waive the federal requirement contained in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), sec. 129(a)(4) and 20 CFR §681.410 that a minimum of 75 percent of youth funds be used to serve out of school youth, and to allow the state the flexibility to reduce the out of school youth funding requirement to a minimum of 50 percent.

Public comment will be taken from March 26, 2020 through April 27, 2020, 4 p.m. (PDST)


Public Notice PDF

Out of School Youth Expenditure Requirement Waiver PDF

March 9, 2020
2:00 pm

Nevada Employment Security

WIOA State Plan


The purpose of this public notice is to solicit public review and comment on the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), on behalf of the state, Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Performance Data Waiver Request (Waiver). Said Waiver would waive the state’s obligation of eligible training providers to collect performance data on all students in a training program per the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), secs. 116(d)(4)(A) and 122; and, 20 CFR §677.230(a)(4) and (5), and 20 CFR §680.

The state is currently operating under a Waiver of this obligation, which was granted by the U.S. Department of Labor on December 13, 2018 and effective through June 30, 2020. The state is now seeking a continuation of said waiver, and is publishing this request to solicit public review and comment.

Public comment will be taken from March 9, 2020 through March 31, 2020, 4 p.m. (PDST).


Public Notice PDF

ETP Performance Data Waiver PDF

March 11, 2020
2:00 pm

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Nevada Equal Rights Commission
1820 E. Sahara, Ste. 314
Las Vegas, NV 89104



March 13, 2020

Employment Security Division Regulation Hearing

DETR - SAO Auditorium
500 E. Third Street
Carson City, NV 89713


Video Conference:DETR - Stan Jones Building
Conf. Rm. C
2800 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104


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