Rehabilitation Division
The Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation’s (DETR) Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation is a state and federally funded program designed to help people with disabilities become employed and to help those already employed perform more successfully through training, counseling and other support methods.
- BEN Equipment Maintenance Log
- BEN Health Enrollment Form
- BEN Health Insurance Form
- BEN Loan Application
- BEN Loan Application Emergency
- BEN Request for Prior Approval of Expenses
- BEN Request to Purchase
- BEN Site Daily Throw Log
- Profit and Loss Instruction Guide
- State Business License Application
- Controller's Vendor Registration Form
- 4.1 BEN Assigned Vending Routes
- 4.2 BEN Bidding Process
- 4.3 BEN Controlled Substances
- 4.4 BEN Equipment Purchasing Policy
- 4.5 BEN External Audit Process
- 4.6 BEN Inventory Procedures Policy
- 4.7 BEN Licensed Blind Operator Training
- 4.8 BEN Licensure Policy
- 4.9 BEN Health Care Cost Reimbursement Policy
- 4.10 BEN Net Operation Loss Reimbursement
- 4.11 BEN On Site Business Practice Review
- 4.12 BEN Referral and Training Policy
- 4.13 BEN Reinstatement Policy
- 4.14 BEN Related Party Business Transactions
- 4.15 BEN Retirement Income Policy
- 4.16 BEN Review of Monthly Financial Reports
- 4.17 BEN Spending and Signature Authority
- 4.18 BEN Travel Reimbursement Policy
- 4.19 BEN Unassigned Commissions for Loans
- 4.20 BEN Unassigned Commissions for Subsidies
- 4.21 BEN Vending Machine Records
- 4.22 BEN Vending Supplement
- 4.23 BEN Life Insurance Reimbursement Policy
- 4.24 BEN Equipment Replacement Policy
- 4.25 BEN Initial Stock Policy
- 4.27 BEN Nutrition Standards Policy
- 4.28 BEN Fund Dissolution Policy
- 4.29 BEN Pandemic Response Policy
NV Relay 711
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities.

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Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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