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Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation

Foreign Labor Certification


On-Line Job Order Form


Information About Your Company

Company Website

Information About the Job Listing

Information about the Job


Additional Information

** Please Note: Nevada does not want a specific employment office listed in the how to apply section of your job description. Please use this terminology for Nevada job orders: “Apply in person to the nearest Nevada employment office, or call (775) 684-0301, OR YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION GOES HERE – Employers Name, Email: ; or Fax # or mail to: ADDRESS GOES HERE”. Please remember that your contact information needs to be provided per regulation 20 CFR 655.40(b) since it’s part of the Employer-conducted recruitment period. If your contact information is not provided it makes it very difficult to complete an accurate employer conducted recruitment, since the public would have difficulty contacting you.

Access to Job Listing Information



If you have questions, please call (775) 684-0301 or email

2800 E. St. Louis Ave. • Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 • (702) 486-7330 • Fax (702) 486-7340

500 East Third Street • Carson City, Nevada 89713 • 775-684-3911 • Fax 775-684-7340

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.

Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.

NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities