State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES)
Employment Security Division
State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES)
SIDES is an electronic tool to help employers respond to unemployment insurance requests quickly, easily and accurately. Using SIDES will decrease employer costs through reduction of Unemployment Insurance (UI) appeals, mail processing, and follow-up calls. Electronic transmission of data reduces mail time and paperwork, and decreases UI taxes through accurate, timely exchange of information.
This service requires information technology programming and is recommended for large employers, or those employers with a large volume of separation information requests.
3. SIDES E-Response
E-Response provides an easy and efficient method for employers to respond electronically to separation information requests with just a computer connected to the internet. An email notification is sent to the employer to alert of a request for separation information. The employer logs into a secure website, completes the request, and it is sent to the State for further processing. E-Response works best for small employers, or employers with few requests for separation information.
For more information regarding SIDES, go to https://info.uisides.org/ or if you wish to speak with an Unemployment Insurance Representative please call 775-684-3801.

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.
Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

We have added a one - time password authentication (a single-use disposable password) to submit a Public Record Request Form. *
A one-time password is a system in which a one-time user number is entered at login time in order to prevent fraud.
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